

Seeking: Sustainable Supply Chain

Seeking: Road Traffic Incident Risk Mitigation Technologies

A yet2 client is seeking measures that improve safety by targeting and mitigating the factors associated with road traffic incidents.

Seeking: Bio-based Alternatives to Asphalt

A yet2 client seeks bio-based materials with potential to be used as alternatives to asphalt in construction applications.

Seeking: Reservoir Sediment Collection and Removal

The United States Bureau of Reclamation is exploring new or improved techniques for reservoir sediment removal.

Exploring: Water Temperature Control Devices

The Bureau of Reclamation is exploring new technologies to control water temperature of reservoir release flows.

Offering: Glass Textile Reinforced Concrete Crash Barrier (GTRC CRABS)

Steinbeis in partnership with the Indian Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) developed a method of creating fiberglass reinforced concrete barriers

Seeking: Safe Processes for Addition of Powders in Products

A yet 2 client is seeking safe processes for the addition of powders in products

Seeking: New Industrial Manufacturing Platform Design and/or Technology to Enable Horizontal Access

A yet2 client is seeking a new industrial manufacturing platform design to enable horizontal access

Seeking: Carbon Capture Methods to Reduce CO2 Emission from Internal Combustion Engines (ICE)

A yet2 client is seeking carbon capture methods to reduce CO2 emission from internal combustion engines

Seeking: Hard-Coating Technology on Plastic Glazing (PG) for Automotive Application

A yet2 client is seeking hard-coating technology on plastic glazing (pg) for automotive application