

Seeking: Flooding diagnosis technology inside underground cable connections

TEPCO Power Grid, Incorporated is seeking technology that can inspect and diagnose water intrusion non-destructively from the outside

Seeking: Quality verification of on-demand electronics manufactured in space

NASA seeks solutions to detect mechanical, electrical, and functional integrity of on-demand manufactured devices in space

Seeking: Compact Space-ready Lasers & Detectors suitable for Lidar Applications

NASA is seeking space-ready lasers & detectors suitable for lidar applications with low size and weight, and efficient power consumption.

NASA Seeking: Custom Radiation-Resistant Displays

NASA is seeking custom radiation-resistant displays

Seeking: Cat-Friendly Litterbox Deodorization Device

A yet2 client seeks cat-friendly litterbox deodorization device

Philips Offering: Embedded UVC Light Platform Enabling Self-Disinfection of Surfaces and Devices

Seeking: Software for Real-time Geo-referencing of Aerial Video

A yet2 client is seeking software for real-time geo-referencing of aerial video

Seeking: Advances in electromagnetic sensors for impurity detection

A yet2 client seeks advances in electromagnetic sensor technology for impurity and waste detection in a liquid within extreme environments

Seeking: Flexible Energy Conversion Tech to Harvest Wave Energy

The US DoE-WPTO & NREL seek Distributed Embedded Energy Converter Tech (DEEC-Tec) to harvest energy from ocean waves.

Seeking: NORM & Mercury Detection & Disposal Techniques

A yet2 client seeks innovations to detect, manage and dispose of NORM and/or mercury through non-destructive testing or after decommissioning