

Seeking: Commercial and Academic AI Partners & Collaborators

A yet2 client is conducting a detailed search of key market players in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and/or advanced Machine Learning applied to human biology

Seeking: Industrial Microbial Management

A yet2 client is seeking concepts or technologies for microbial management in industrial water systems that are both effective and safe/environmentally friendly. 

Seeking: Field applicable ore characterisation technologies

A yet2 client seeks technologies to characterise ore and other geological materials in situ

Seeking: Technologies Enabling Light-Weighting of Large Bottle Packaging Formats

A yet2 client is seeking technologies that can achieve step-change light-weighting improvements for large bottle packaging formats.

Seeking: End-of-life Opportunities for Medically Contaminated Materials

A yet2 client is seeking solutions that recycle or re-use materials/textiles used in Surgical Operating Rooms (OR).

Seeking: Pipeline Technologies and Materials to Transport Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen

A yet2 client seeks safe pipeline technologies for transporting Hydrocarbons, Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen at high pressures.

Seeking: Suppliers of Glycol Salicylate

A yet2 client is seeking suppliers of glycol salicylate

Seeking: Label-less Packaging Decorations

A yet2 client is seeking label-less packaging decorations

Offering: Low-Temperature Catalyst Manufacturing Process With Very Low Cost and Carbon Footprint

Seeking: Technology for Non-Destructive Inspection Inside Concrete Structures

Seeking: Technology for non-destructive inspection inside concrete structures