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A yet2 client is seeking improvements or alternatives to its existing gas-transfer technology that preferentially allows gas (rather than liquid) to be vented through a small porous channel upon pressure buildup on one side of a polymer material. The prospective permeable channel solution needs to be integrated into a larger polymer sheet, so there are several potential issues to consider:

  • Creation of a reliable seal between the porous, or otherwise permeable, channel component and the polymer material
  • Avoidance of liquid phase flow through and around the edges of the prospective permeable channel solution
  • Avoidance of weakening the polymer part at the interface


The polymer in question will have a pressurized fluid on one side, and empty, but limited, space on the other. Gas can permeate through the polymer and enter the empty space, so a porous channel integrated into the polymer that preferentially allows gas transfer back to the fluid is used to avoid gas buildup in the empty space.


Technologies must:

  • Be able to withstand temperatures between -20°C to +130°C
  • Be able to withstand pressures up to 600 bar
  • Resist chemical degradation from sulfur, hydrogen sulfide, biocides, methanol, and organic based chemicals

Possible Solution Areas:

  • Filtration media
  • Contaminant prevention processes
  • Petrochemical industry
  • Oil & Gas industry
  • Laboratory processes

Desired outcome of the solution:

Identification of a technology that meets the desired parameters.

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