Co-Creating Innovations with NHS Alder Hey

September 15, 2021 at 11AM EDT / 4PM BST

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Join us for a webinar with NHS Alder Hey Children's Hospital on Co-Creating Healthcare innovations, especially during Covid

NHS-Alder Hey Children’s Hospital and yet2 will be leading a webinar on co-creating healthcare innovations. The urgency around healthcare innovation has never been greater given the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic over the last 20 months. Hospitals on the forefront of innovation understand that being open to partnering with public and private medical device and technology companies is necessary to accelerate impact around improving patient care. As a result, hospital-led Open Innovation and accelerator programs are becoming more prevalent as a way to foster collaboration between hospitals and start-ups.

NHS Alder Hey Children’s Hospital launched their Open Innovation Portal with yet2 in May 2020 as a way to source alternative suppliers of PPE and other medical supplies in high demand at the height of the pandemic. They have since evolved their Open Innovation portal to source submissions around additional innovation needs.

Emma Hughes, Deputy Managing Director of Innovation at NHS Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, will join yet2 on September 15, 2021 at 4pm BST / 11am EDT for a 45-minute webinar to discuss Alder Hey’s innovation strategy and current need areas in more detail. Attendees will learn:

  • Alder Hey’s Open Innovation strategy and shifts in focus during COVID-19
  • Current need areas where Alder Hey is seeking collaboration
  • Case studies on recent co-creation engagements
  • The benefits of partnering with Alder Hey
  • How to submit your ideas through Alder Hey’s Open Innovation portal

Register today!

The webinar will be moderated by Anne McLaren, Senior Open Innovation Portal Coordinator.

If you have a technology and are interested in partnering with Alder Hey, submit your technology here: Alder Hey Open Innovation Portal

Past Webinars

The Unexpected ROI of Open Innovation Portals

Six Insights for Innovating Amid Disruption

Partner with PepsiCo on Innovations

Should you Choose Tech Scouting or Crowdsourcing for your Open Innovation Project?

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