One of our clients is seeking non-metallic small molecule systems for anti-perspirant.
The literature suggests that current anti-perspirant technology relies on the gelation of aluminium species inside the upper section of the eccrine sweat gland to form a blockage. This organization is seeking other small-molecule, non-metal species that could behave in a similar way in response to a specific trigger by sweat.
The small molecule system:
- Will form structured solid/gel
- Has relatively low molecular weight, or high diffusivity
- Is cationic or strong H-bonder
- Triggered by sweat:
- pH
- Ionic strength
- Water
Out of Scope:
- Large cationic polymeric materials
- Surface films
- Pharmaceutical, biological or medical device routes are not preferred
- Specific types of oils and waxes can form hydrophobic layers on the surface of the skin that can give a sweat rate reduction.
- Water absorbers
Desired Outcome of the Solution
Looking for partners to collaborate on the technology, or direct supplier of materials.
Field of Use and Intended Applications
Deodorant, antiperspirant