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P&G is seeking products, ingredients, or devices that can enhance the overall wellness/health or safety profile in Fabric Care or Homecare/cleaning (dish, surfaces, air, etc.) – both in-home and in personal spaces (cars, offices, etc.)

What We Are Looking For

Products, technologies or ingredients that can provide claimable/measurable improvements in overall wellness across the following benefit areas:

  • Skin Health – Improve skin health and have potential for application via clothing/through Fabric Care products (e.g. moisturization, SPF, allergen removal/repellent, softness for feeling gentle on sensitive skin, etc.) and cleaning products (specifically hand dish washing and hand soap). Note for Fabric application could occur in washer/in dryer or could be a post treatment after wash/dry (e.g. spray, etc.).
  • Scent/Sensate Induced Wellness – Products/technologies proven to induce physiological or emotional responses linked to wellness such as relaxation, focus, energizing, improved resistance to flu/colds/allergens, pain management, etc. across broad definitions of health and wellness.
  • Safety – Provide a step change in product/process safety profiles while still enabling delivering high level of cleaning performance and hygiene
    • Scents/Perfume Materials specifically linked to enhanced safety (including impacts on respiratory health, skin reactions, etc.)
  • Sanitization/Disinfection/Hygiene – Technologies providing benefit with improved safety profiles vs traditional disinfecting chemistry. Open to new EPA registrations for novel disinfection/sanitization technologies.
  • Allergens – Products/technologies to reduce and/or remove allergens.


Product Forms Can Include

  • New/novel forms preferred given historical success in Fabric & Home Care (Tide PODs, Unstoppable Beads, Swiffer, Dawn Power Wash)
  • Application to Fabric & Home Care products – liquids, sprays, aerosols, candles, dryer sheets/ balls, etc.
  • Fabric Care – Application not limited to washer/dryer; can be a pre/post treatment of garments
  • Devices in scope.  Ideally, with a consumable linked to device (ala Swiffer model of device + pads/solution).  Non-chemistry and/or non-refill approaches will only be of interest if they deliver breakthrough consumer delight.
  • Biotics and biotech technologies – Probiotics, pre-biotics, post-biotics, etc. – a potential “how” on ideas above
  • Powered/based on “kitchen logic” materials such as vinegar, citrus (orange, lemon), etc.
  • Hard Water – Potential to provide superior or new benefits particular to use in hard water environments in safe/natural product

What P&G Is Not Interested In

  • FDA regulated products/ingredients (i.e. regulated as drug products in NA).  However, if there is a true breakthrough wellness benefit; we will assess ideas in this space.


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