We are seeking a novel e-motor winding technology with a high degree of automation.
E-Motor winding process is a bottle neck in electric motor production due to the nature of its semi-automatic process. Copper wire has to be electrical insulated against adjacent copper wires and stator/rotor magnetic sheet metal. Both insulation layers – insulating paper and insulating lacquer – are additional production processes causing additional cost, additional thermal resistances causing poor thermal heat transfer and are limiting operational limits (e.g. <180°C for standard lacquer). It would therefore be advantageous to eliminate this process.
Additionally, the shape of the Copper wire affects the filling degree of copper inside stator/rotor notch, and thus should be optimized for high filling degree.
· Robust, fast and cheap winding process/technology
· Low assembly forces
· High copper filling degree due to optimized wire shape (e.g. octagonal shaped cross section)
· Functional integration of stator/rotor cooling especially inside stator/rotor notch
· Operational temperature limit up to 400°C
· Ampacity up to 500Arms (stretch limit 800Arms)
· Cost neutral to existing technology
Possible solution areas
All approaches considered