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Syngenta is seeking solutions that deter birds (ducks, sparrow, pigeons, black birds etc.) from damaging crops such as rice in Japan and cereals and corn in Europe, from seed to full stage crop.

Bird damage has long been a persistent challenge faced by farmers and results in reduced plant stand and ultimately lowers crop yields. Traditional scare tactics and physical barriers have provided some relief, but they fall short in offering sustainable, cost-effective, and non-harmful solutions.

Submit your idea

Closing date: August 2, 2024

Have questions? Speak to us or email our contact above.

Shoots by Syngenta

Shoots by SyngentaTM is an invitation to the world’s brightest minds – a call for people to come together and tackle some of the world’s most complex agricultural challenges: for nature, farmers and food security.

It’s this kind of responsive network that we’re building at Syngenta, bringing together individuals and organizations with a shared goal: to feed the world while protecting the planet.

No single organization can tackle this alone, so help us accelerate agricultural innovation through collaboration.

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