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yet2 is working with a large direct selling company in the USA, with a presence in many overseas markets and a range of established nutrition, personal care, skin care, and home-care product brands that positively impact the health and wellness of its end-consumers. These brands are recognized as innovative, backed by science, and are successfully marketed and sold by an extensive entrepreneurial network, who are always looking to introduce the next generation of consumer products.
This yet2 client is seeking edgy (unique) and novel health and wellness products that are outside the mainstream market. Products should be demonstrable, intuitive, and be of high value to the consumer. Products should also have compelling aspects that act as conversation starters, such as a unique origin story, unusual ingredient, etc. The ideal target company would be somewhere between a start-up and an established company, with a product that is beyond the prototype stage and able to scale quickly. [click_to_tweet tweet=”Our client is seeking edgy (unique) and novel health and #wellness products that are outside the mainstream market. The co would be somewhere between a start-up and established. #innovation” quote=”Seeking edgy, unique, and novel health and wellness products for a multi-level marketing company.” theme=”style3″]
Cutting-edge science and technology is typically well-known in the public domain, leading to expected advancements in product design. By contrast, areas of emerging science are generally accepted by the scientific community, but are relatively unknown to the public. Novel products based on emerging science are often exciting and insurgent but take time to gain traction. However, given widespread exposure in the general population, products based on emerging science and technology are likely to gain traction and experience significant growth within 2-5 years. yet2’s client is seeking health and wellness products based on emerging science to increase their visibility and use in the global market.
- Unique health and wellness products are of high interest.
- Products that promote skin health, in addition to nutritional health and wellness, are also of interest.
- Devices for health and wellness between $150 – $500 are within scope.
- Consumer/point-of-care diagnostic products are devicess are of interest.
- The startup and product must have matured beyond the idea and prototype stage.
- Ideal products woulld have a unique story or background.
- Products shouold be demonstrable and have high value to the consumer.
- Ideal solution providers woulld have the ability to scale up to >10,000 units within 6 months.
- Products should be able to be sold in the United States and Hong Kong.
- IP freedom to operate in the US and Hong Kong is a must.
Possible Solution Areas:
- Alternative health supplements/vitamins (i.e. non-pill, capsule, or tablet formats)
- Products for fasting
- Pet health and wellness supplements (excluding pet food)
- Products that have dual benefits of nutritional health/wellness + skin health
- Unique forms of protein (i.e. insects, etc.)
Desired outcome of the solution:
Launch of the product exclusively within the yet2 client’s distribution channels for a limited time period.
Field of use and intended applications:
- Nutritional health and wellness
- Devices which improve general health and wellness
- Skin health
- Vitamin/supplement delivery alternatives
- Point-of-care diagnostics