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A yet2 client is seeking a strong, flexible, and easy to tear electrical tape that is UL 510 Listed and CSA 22.2 certified.


Electrical tape is a durable and long-lasting tape whose versatility has made it a go-to tape for consumers.  However, 30% of consumer have experienced an electrical tape project fail and the prevailing consumer need is for an electrical tape that is stronger and easier to tear.


  • Need to provide documentation that the product is UL510 Listed and CSA 22.2 Listed and provide testing showing how their electrical tape compares to the listed benchmark
  • Temperature stable (-40F/-200C to 2210F/1050C) and ability to withstand harsh weather conditions
  • Conformable
  • Easy to tear by hand
  • Non-flagging
  • Commercially available or near commercial availability
  • No adhesive bleed/tape unwind at high temperature

Desired outcome of the solution:

Looking for partners to make the technology.

Field of use and intended applications:

DIY, consumer

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