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NASA is developing a spaceship that will orbit the moon and transport astronauts to the lunar surface for missions. This mission will need to be documented and broadcast to the world so that as many people as possible can experience and appreciate the historic activities. In order to do this, NASA is seeking high-performance handheld cameras for taking still images and video during transport to and from the lunar surface, as well as during lunar surface operations. These cameras must be capable of high-resolution capture (ideally >70 Megapixels; 4k/UHD video), be highly usable in the constrained lunar environment, and survive depressurization.


Crew from a spaceship orbiting the moon will be provided with cameras for use on board, and if these cameras can operate in a depressurized environment then they can also be used during lunar surface operations.


The ideal performance parameters are below, but NASA do not expect one solution to immediately meet all requirements. Solutions should ideally have:

  • Video resolution up to UHD/4K (3840 x 2160), frame rate up to 60 fps
  • Still Image resolution at least 70 Megapixels with 14-bit RAW recording
  • Weight < 2kg, dimensions approximately 153mm H x 127mm D x 102mm W.
  • Interfaces including ethernet, microphone, USB-3, external power
  • 10 hours of video recording and use from battery
  • Common expected features on high-end consumer cameras such as multiple lenses, auto focus, auto white balance, modular design

Possible Solution Areas

  • Consumer DSLR camera/sensors
  • Gaming industry
  • Racing industry
  • Deep-sea & Oil & Gas industry
  • Entertainment and Motion-capture industries
  • Technology or component that provide the functionality required in an existing device, such as improved cooling to overcome lack of convection in space

Desired outcome of the solution

Looking for provider of camera or components necessary to manufacture a solution themselves.

Previously attempted solutions

Some devices have had most specifications but not all. Previously for lunar surface operations a 70 mm film still camera was used, which is equivalent to ~70 Megapixels, and a 16 mm motion picture camera was used, which is equivalent to standard definition video.

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