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A yet2 client is seeking flexible packaging materials which can be fully recycled in a closed loop recycling system. The material must also provide a barrier to oxygen and moisture to a standard suitable for food applications. Solutions that are mono-layered or easy to separate are of high interest.
Plastics recycling has become an increasingly important topic in recent years as issues with single-use plastic waste in the environment have continued to worsen. However, complex laminate films, such as those used in flexible packaging for food, are difficult to recycle due to the difficulty to separate layers. In order to meet new packaging standards, such as the UK’s WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme) standards for 2025, new plastic materials will be needed that can be recycled in a closed loop system.
Materials should be:
- Recyclable in a closed loop system, meeting UK standards
- Capable of providing a high oxygen barrier (should be reported with reference to international standards)
- Capable of providing a high moisture barrier (should be reported with reference to international standards)
- Printable
- Food safe
- Heat sealable
Compostable and Biodegradable solutions are not of interest.
Possible Solution Areas:
- Packaging material technologies
- Monolayer flexible packaging
- Recyclable oxygen and moisture barrier
- Recycle ready laminate film
Desired outcome of the solution:
Open to a variety of partnership avenues including: supplier, collaboration, etc.