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PepsiCo Seeking: Alternate Sources of Water-Image of hands under a stream of water.

PepsiCo seeks alternate sources of water that leverage the climate conditions surrounding our manufacturing facilities, by extracting water from the environment around us, such as through atmospheric water extraction, dew/fog/rainwater harvesting, or even desalination. Reducing the demand on municipal water, will cause a reduced demand on local watersheds. Ultimately, the goal is to determine the availability and feasibility of low energy water extraction technologies for use as potable water in food and beverage manufacturing plants.

Solution Requirements


  • Must be a low-cost water extraction technology
  • The goal is to achieve a $25-50 per 1000 gallons target. We understand this may not be achievable today, but partner will be expected to have possible ideas of how to lower cost
  • Technology must be able to produce potable water quality
  • Vendor must be able to define sources of energy that can be utilized (i.e., waste heat at our facilities, renewable, etc.)
  • Vendor must be able to quantify the impact of climate variation on water extraction volume
  • Technology must be ready to be piloted



  • Footprints limited by the amount of rooftop space available on a beverage plant, which is ~ 4,645 – 9,290 square meters.
  • Technology adaptable to all climates
  • Ability to partner in customizing solutions
  • Water will be used in products; thus, all equipment must be able to obtain NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) 61 certification


Out of Scope List

Out of Scope

Out of scope includes water reuse processes, use of municipal wastewater, and water efficiency tactics.

Preferred Collaboration Types

Commercialized solutions are preferred although JDAs may be acceptable

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Photo Credit: Manuel Darío Fuentes Hernández from Pixabay


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