

Seeking: Fault Detection and Prognosis Technologies

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is seeking a variety of technologies in Fault Detection and Prognosis.

Seeking: Electrochemical Energy Storage for Cold Environments

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is seeking energy storage technologies for extremely cold environments.

Seeking: AR/VR Training System Best Practices

NIST is seeking the best practices for effective development and implementation of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) training.

Seeking: Centralized Processing of High-Bandwidth Data

yet2’s client seeks centralized processing of multiple streams of high-bandwidth analogue data in a specific off-site location.

Seeking: AI-Based Maritime Surveillance System

A yet2 client is looking AI-based detection of abnormal vessel behavior that integrates with their maritime surveillance system.

NASA Seeking: Cold Stowage Technologies

NASA is seeking advancements in technologies that allow the return of lunar samples to Earth from the Moon at cryogenic temperatures.

Seeking: Materials and process technologies to enable agile airfield infrastructure

The US Air Force Research Laboratory is seeking technology for rapidly fabricated hardened surfaces to be used as airfields

Seeking: Bi-directional, Two-Channel Pumping Technologies

A yet2 client seeks disposable pumping technologies that can fill two separate cavities accurately and efficiently.

Seeking: Liquid Biopsy Technology for Early Cancer Detection

NASA is seeking current state of the art liquid biopsy techniques for cancer screening.

Seeking: Technologies to improve cooling tower water efficiency

NASA Langley Research Center is seeking to upgrade their cooling towers to improve water efficiency at a reasonable cost to the facility.